Gone with the birds

Gone with the birds

Image by Freepik

I remember the days when I would wake up in the morning and open the window for a fresh breath of air. The sun would be slowly rising from the horizon. I would hear the birds chirping and see the faint light slowly waking up my hometown. Those few moments amid nature give me a good start for the day. If it’s a Sunday, it is bliss to read a book near the window and have a sip of coffee. That’s a luxary as far as I am concerned.

Sadly that was the past. Now when I open the windows, PM 2.5 awaits me like a Dementor, from Harry Potter, ready to suck the life from me. The air is polluted. Every Breath you take takes away seconds or minutes from your life. I can’t recognise if it is the sun on the horizon or the moon. There is no chirping to be heard. The birds have gone. I hope they flew away because there is far worse fate they would have suffered. What I like to believe is that they flew away with their life. In the middle of what we have concocted, it feels like this is the beginning of the end for all of us. It is bliss to breathe good air these days. We have reached a point where breathing decent air is the biggest luxury. Can we change all this? Will we change all this?